
ReImagine West Shore is grateful to be connecting with a variety of individuals, groups, and organizations committed to making shift happen in our community. This list of Connections is a living list that will be updated as we continue to connect with new people and projects of interest.

Food Security

ALM Organic Farm & Full Circle Seeds

ALM Organic Farm is a 15-acre organic farm located in Sooke, BC.

Certified organic since 1994 (IOPA#401), the folks at ALM Organic Farm believe that by growing organically they contribute to the health of the environment and of the people who eat their food.

They grow outstanding produce, herbs and flowers for farmers’ markets, special events, local restaurants, and a box program. They grow seeds for their seed company Full Circle Seeds, host an annual Plant Sale and support other farmers and local organizations. Learn more about ALM Organic Farm. Learn more about Full Circle Seeds.

Compost Education Centre

The Compost Education Centre reconnects many people, young and old, to simple, land based, resiliency practices. Their organizational practices sustain the Compost Education Centre, the natural environment, and our communities. They actively work towards right relations, anti-oppression and environmental justice in solidarity with the Indigenous peoples on whose land we work. Learn more.

Flourish! School Food Society

Flourish! School Food Society brings nourishing change to the way students eat and learn about food in schools. They help build school meal programs that are supported by curriculum-connected, experiential learning opportunities in school gardens, kitchens and composts.

Each day, Flourish! provides 815 home-cooked meals and enough grocery items to feed an additional 400 students. All in, they provide truly nourishing food to over 1,200 students at 21 schools each and every day.  Learn more.

Goldstream Farmer's Market

The Goldstream Farmer’s Market is located in the heart of Langford BC where everything is homemade, handmade, or home grown. Vendors offer local fruits and vegetables, fresh-baked breads and goodies, unique and quality crafts, and textile creations. Learn more.

Lifecycles Project / Welland Orchard

Formerly stewarded by conservationist Rex Welland, this beautiful locale in View Royal is home to almost 200 varieties of apples, pears, plums, and others. Feel free to stop by and sample the delicious fruit from trellis or tree; or take part in one of their seasonal workshops to learn valuable grafting and pruning information. If we continue to take care of Welland Orchard, it will continue to take care of us! Learn more here.

Metchosin Farm

Operating since 2004, Metchosin Farm grows 200+ varieties of certified organic, open-pollinated seeds as well as fruit trees, berries, and native species. Importantly, Metchosin Farm also works to create new food seed varieties such as ‘strawberry cherry’ tomato, ‘Metchosin’ apple and ‘My-chosen Purple’ potato. All of their seed crops are open-pollinated and thus can be seed-saved by anyone growing them at their home garden or farm. Seeds are available at their online store and plants can be found at their farmstand. Learn more.

Metchosin Farmer's Market

Come by the Metchosin Farmer’s Market to buy fresh fruits and vegetables from organic and traditional farmers, herbs, free range eggs, breads, jams, salsa or baked goods. There are also a variety of locally crafted products including pottery, knitted and quilted wear, leather products, photo cards and jewelry. Enjoy live music as you browse.  The Market is open on Sundays, 11:00am to 2:00pm, mid-May through October. Learn more.

Metchosin Mason Bees

Mason Bees are the best pollinator for spring and early summer pollination of your fruit trees. Garry Fletcher and Metchosin Mason Bees have been selling Mason Bee Cocoons and Phragmites native reed grass tubes, harvested sustainably from his farm in Metchosin, for years. The Phragmites tubes are recognized as the most efficient type of tube for attracting several species of mason bees and leaf-cutter bees and for reducing parasite infection. Learn more.

Saanich Organics / Sea Bluff Farm

Saanich Organics is a community of farmers from small, certified organic farms who work together to supply fresh local produce and top-quality organic seeds to Greater Victoria BC. You can find their delicious produce on the West Shore at Sea Bluff Farm in Metchosin, where they operate a year-round farm stand on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9am to 6pm. Learn more about Sea Bluff Farm. Learn more about Saanich Organics/Seeds of the Revolution.

South Island FarmHub

The South Island FarmHub is a full-time produce aggregation and distribution centre, with an online farmers’ market now including over 35 farmers and 30 food producers—a number that is continually growing. They are proud to partner with farmers and food producers that maintain sustainable and ethical practices, grounded right here on Vancouver Island.

The South Island FarmHub provides two ways to get fresh food from local farms to your kitchen: a Harvest Box subscription and à la carte. Our Harvest Box subscription provides you with a bounty of fresh, local produce from our partner farms all year round. With à la carte you can shop all of the delicious local items in our store without the commitment of a subscription or have them added right into your Harvest Box.

The South Island FarmHub is also proud to champion the Farmbucks program: an initiative that provides food to those in need within our community while supporting our local farmers. Since its inception, over 30 charities and 6 schools have used Farmbucks, subsidizing $305,000 worth of fresh, local food for over 15,000 people. Learn more.

The Farm at Royal Roads University

As part of Royal Roads University‘s 2022 – 2027 Climate Action Plan, the Farm at RRU provides staff, faculty, and students with opportunities for learning and research, to design and test solutions to climate change challenges and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)-related projects.

Establishing the Farm at RRU enhances and activates an important, sustainable, and regenerative food system across campus that focuses on climate-smart adaptation and cultivation for optimal yields through agroecological, Indigenous and intercultural opportunities for learning and practice. The Farm also invites community members to climate action and food production focused learning and to volunteer opportunities, while sharing an abundant harvest, helping address food insecurity. Learn more.

Young Agrarians of Canada

Young Agrarians (YA) is a farmer-to-farmer educational resource network for new and young ecological, organic, and regenerative farmers in Canada. They recognize the Indigenous lands and territories that they work on and alongside and are committed to providing programs that are inclusive and available to farmers and friends of diverse backgrounds.

YA is volunteer-driven, with farmers across the country organizing on-farm events and building community to create spaces for knowledge sharing and growth. The network is made up of a diverse array of food growers and lovers including farmers, fishers, holistic managers, market gardeners, ranchers, seed savers, food activists, beekeepers, community gardeners, and food and farm organizations.

Young Agrarians also offer a Garden Share feature through their online UMAP platform, where people with available gardens/yards can get matched up with folks looking to grow food but lacking the land to do it. Learn more about Young Agrarians.  Learn more about the Garden Share UMAP.

Nature Stewardship & Conservation

Bilston Watershed Habitat Protection Association

Dedicated volunteers with the Bilston Watershed Habitat Protection Association have worked for over 30 years to protect the health and sustainability of waterways and aquifers in the 3129 hectares comprising Bilston watershed. BWHPA has coordinated many hands-on projects over the years in Langford and Metchosin to remove invasive plant species, replant native species, enhance creek flows and fish habitat, monitor water quality, and protect vital waterways from sediment. We are grateful for our connections with municipal partners and other organizations that help us bring awareness to environmental issues and take action to protect and restore the watershed.  Learn more.

Capital Regional District Invasive Species

Invasive species spread and can cause significant harm to the environment, economy, human health, and livestock health. Due to location and climate, the capital region has one of the greatest likelihoods of new high-risk invasive introductions in BC, and potentially the highest diversity of invasive species in the province. If left unmanaged, invasive species spread and increase in density, requiring more resources to control and causing greater impacts. Visit the CRD’s Invasive Species page to learn how you can get involved in protecting the natural diversity of our region.

Capital Regional District Parks

CRD Regional Parks protects and manages more than 13,300 hectares of spectacular and accessible natural areas in 33 regional parks and four regional trails on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Regional Parks protect and restore biodiversity, offer a range of compatible outdoor recreation and education opportunities, and provide accessible, joyful connections with the natural world. And many of the CRD’s Regional Parks are on the West Shore! Learn more about the terrific events available in your regional parks.

Citizen’s Environment Network in Colwood (CENiC)

Citizen’s Environment Network in Colwood (CENiC) is a group of Colwood residents who care about the future of the community and the planet. Their mission is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and community-wide learning on advancing climate action and environmental sustainability in Colwood.  Learn more.

Friends of Havenwood Park

The Friends of Havenwood Park help to preserve the natural environmental features of Havenwood Park by raising community awareness through ecological restoration events, park walks and other activities that connect people with nature. Learn more.

Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT)

Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) is a regional land trust that conserves nature on south Vancouver Island. We envision a future where the full array of natural habitats on south Vancouver Island and the southern Gulf Islands are healthy and conserved. Learn more.

Metchosin Foundation

The Metchosin Foundation Undertakes and Supports Initiatives to Improve Environmental Protection, Stewardship, and Education. Learn more.

South Island Climate Action Network

The South Island Climate Action Network (SI-CAN) is a network of climate advocacy organizations on southern Vancouver Island.

SI-CAN shares information about efforts to address the climate emergency and works toward effective climate action by local, provincial, and federal governments.  Learn more.


RegenerateBC is a fully independent, volunteer-run, non-profit organization with a mission to inspire hope, collaboration, and grassroots climate action.

Their vision is supported by both the fundamentals of Project Drawdown, flowing from the work started by Paul Hawken’s Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, and the inspiration of Hawken’s Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation, and Learn more.

The RUSH (Resilient Urban Systems & Habitat) Initiative

The RUSH (Resilient Urban Systems & Habitat) Initiative is exploring this work on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən and SENĆOŦEN speaking peoples. Maps have a long history of erasure of Indigenous cultures and territories. The goal of RUSH is to promote tools that support the healing of ecosystems and communities as a way to practice reconciliation, gratitude, and respect.

By showcasing the research, creativity, and innovation happening in this region on an interactive landing page, we hope to provide a shared language on the vulnerabilities and opportunities for long-term health and climate action.

RUSH wants to change the critical questions that get asked in planning meetings. How is a development proposal an opportunity to increase resilience to climate-related events? How can we support neighbourhoods to adapt and thrive in changing conditions? If we extend and connect the ecosystem features across the urban landscape, what are all the benefits people would feel? How can we work with Nature to create a quality of life for all?

RUSH is a tool for people to connect habitats, restore watersheds, feel a sense of belonging, and start conversations that lead to a brighter future. You can use the feedback button to let RUSH know what you think and any suggestions you have. Learn more.

View Royal Climate Coalition

The View Royal Climate Coalition (VRCC) is a small but dedicated group of individuals who seek to establish a more sustainable energy standard and greater emphasis on climate issues in their municipality. Find them on Facebook.

YesBC (Youth for Environmental Stewardship)

YesBC (Youth for Environmental Stewardship) is a registered, volunteer run, non-profit organization. Their programs were initially delivered in schools through leadership and environmental clubs and in the community through building partnerships and collaborations with other organizations that share our commitment to taking positive action.

Since 2008, YesBC programs have grown and provided opportunities for thousands of young people to engage in issues of critical importance to them. Their programs have always been co-developed by young people whose future depends on taking action and engaging in democracy. YesBC’s Youth Climate Action Summits and Off the Grid Festivals have provided young people with many opportunities to lead through giving presentations, workshops, event planning and hosting. Learn more.

Allied Organizations

Creatively United For The Planet is a community resource hub, bringing together a number of like-minded people and organizations in the name of environmental sustainability, social awareness, and the connecting tissues that bind these causes together. Helpful guides and webinars are available for free viewing, as well as information on affiliated partners and portals to learn about local events. Get plugged in here!

The Village Initiative

The Village Initiative (TVI) is an inter-disciplinary network of more than 60 organizations sharing a commitment to the vision of healthy and thriving children, youth, and families across the Sooke and West Shore communities. ReImagine West Shore is a member of TVI.  Learn more.

WestShore Chamber of Commerce

The WestShore Chamber of Commerce is a non-partisan, not-for-profit, membership organization which exists to promote business and economic growth, advocate on behalf of local business, and participate in enriching the communities of Colwood, Highlands, Langford, Metchosin, and View Royal. ReImagine West Shore is a member of the WestShore Chamber. Learn more.

Canadian Association Of Nurses For The Environment (CANE) and Canadian Association Of Physicians For The Environment) (CAPE)

Canadian Association Of Nurses For The Environment (CANE) and Canadian Association Of Physicians For The Environment (CAPE) are two distinct but affiliated organizations that take a critical look at environmental issues from a healthcare perspective. Using a multi-platform approach of education and advocacy, CANE and CAPE represent voices for public health workers, their patients, and a system of community wellness with roots in the living world.  Learn more about CANE.  Learn more about CAPE.

Beyond Blue Box Recycling

Capital Regional District

The resources used to create products are lost forever when items are thrown in the garbage. By participating in recycling programs, we are taking responsibility for the products we purchase and support a system where these materials can be used repeatedly. In addition to owning and operating the region’s landfill, the Capital Regional District (CRD) delivers programs which support materials management and the diversion of waste from Hartland Landfill. Learn more about the recycling options available through the CRD.

Check out the CRD’s Myrecyclopedia to learn more about where to recycle more items Beyond the Blue Box.

Check out the CRD’s Love Food Hate Waste for plenty of terrific tips on how you can reduce food waste and $ave!

Pacific Mobile Depots

PMD Recycling Solutions provides one of the most complete plastics recycling service in BOTH Greater Victoria & Metro Vancouver. And although they specialize in recycling a wide array of plastics, they provide FULL recycling solutions for paper, cardboard, metals, electronics, and much more, including a monthly Mobile Recycling Depot the 2nd Saturday of each month at Langford’s Belmont Secondary School. Learn more.

You can also find more info about the PMD monthly depot on our Events Page.

Repair Café West Shore

What do you do with a broken toaster? Or a bike wheel that’s out of alignment … and what about a sweater full of moth holes? Toss it? No way! Bring them to the Repair Café, where our fantastic volunteer repair team can assess and more than likely help you get your item repaired. And for those who want to give DIY a try, there will be tools and materials on hand for you to work on fixing some things yourself!

ReImagine West Shore is running these pop-up repair shops twice a year on the West Shore.  Check our Event Page for more information and be sure to subscribe to our e-newsletter to receive info on the next Repair Café opportunity.

Energy Conservation & Zero Carbon Energy

BC Hydro

Get tips, advice, and valuable rebates to help improve the energy efficiency of your home, business, and transportation and save on your energy bills from BC Hydro.  Learn more.

BC Sustainable Energy Association

The BC Sustainable Energy Association is a network of action takers supporting sustainable energy policy, innovation, and education in British Columbia. The BCSEA develops and undertakes educational programs, policy advocacy, public outreach, and energy planning to Advance Renewable Energy Generation, Advance Energy Conservation and Efficiency, and to Advance Low-Carbon Passenger Transportation. Learn more.

Clean Air Yard Care

Since 2010, Clean Air Yard Care has been providing zero-emissions landscape maintenance to the Greater Victoria area. Using state-of-the-art solar gear, locally sourced natural fertilizers, and nixing much of landscaping’s associated air and noise pollution, Clean Air Yard Care are standard bearers for a new era in outdoor trades.

You can learn more about their services (or get an estimated quote) here.

Hakai Energy Solutions

Hakai Energy Solutions is British Columbia’s forerunner for solar power. With over a decade of experience in both commercial and residential spheres, they have brought a little sunshine to a multitude of on-and-off-grid projects – schools, fire halls, and, as of this year – even an airport! With professional and cost-effective services, a massive portfolio, and a 25-year warranty, Hakai makes the solar switch easy and enticing. Learn more about them and their projects (past and ongoing) here.

Home Energy Navigator (Energy Retrofits)

The Home Energy Navigator Program is a free program created by local governments in BC to engage and support homeowners throughout their retrofit journey. Participants are connected with an Energy Concierge, who will be available throughout their retrofit project to answer questions, provide support, and give local, expert advice and guidance to navigate the complex world of home energy retrofits. All Capital Regional District municipalities participate in this program. Learn more.

Sasquatch Heat Pumps

For those seeking lower energy bills and cleaner power, look no further than Sooke-based Sasquatch Home Services. Whether air, ground, or water-based heating, a consultation with their experienced team will help you forge the best energy option for your home – and for the environment that surrounds it! For a keen green eye on heat pump, air conditioning, and electrical services, learn more about Sasquatch here.

Green Transportation

BC Transit

From small towns to large urban centres, BC Transit transports more than 57 million customers in communities across the province every year. Shifting to more environmentally-sustainable modes of transportation, such as public transit, drastically reduces the number of single occupant vehicles on the road, reduces traffic, and helps achieve an overall reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in support the Province of B.C.’s CleanBC Plan.  Learn more.

Capital Bike

Capital Bike’s aim is to be there for everyone who wants to enjoy cycling in the Capital Region – whether they’re new to the Region and perhaps just learning to ride, dusting off a bike that’s been the garage for a while, or an experienced rider who wants to connect with the region’s vibrant cycling community. They want to be there to provide people with the skills, knowledge, and connections to make cycling an easy and fun transportation option. Learn more.

Goldstream Bicycles

Posted directly on the Galloping Goose in Langford, Goldstream Bicycles have a quarter-century’s experience greasing the wheels of transportation on the West Shore. They have shown a deep and ongoing commitment to the local economy and community, and champion a well-rounded recycling program, including the refurbishment (and redistribution) of entire bicycles! Cruise on over for a tune-up today. Learn more.

Capital Regional District Charge Your Ride

There are lots of reasons why people are switching to electric transportation and an increasing number of electric vehicle (EV) and electric bicycle (e-bike) options are available. The CRD’s Charge Your Ride page offers a great one-stop shop for answering all your EV questions. Learn more.

Victoria Electric Vehicle Association

The Victoria Electric Vehicle Association is a non-profit, volunteer-run, association committed to helping accelerate the shift to renewable energy. Promoting the adoption of 100% electric cars and sustainable energy solutions.

VicEVA conducts public outreach events and shares EV media to demonstrate that the electric vehicle future is here with cleaner, greener, smarter, and fun transportation options. Learn more.

Conscientious Consumption and Building a Circular Economy

Metchosin Arts & Cultural Centre Association

The Metchosin Arts and Cultural Centre Association (MACCA) provides studio, workshop, and exhibition space in an environment conducive to creativity and inclusion, where local artists, artisans, makers, and performers can showcase, thrive, and prosper, enriched by local cultural experience.

MACCA helps to preserve and celebrate unique heritage, traditions, and a grassroots approach, encouraging a community that shares its skills, resourcefulness, and environmental awareness. ReImagine West Shore collaborates with MACCA on initiatives like our Repair Café and Swap & Shop. Learn more.

Mythrose / Heather Ireland

“My name is Heather, and I am the proud owner of this one-woman sewing business, specializing in dress alterations, dressmaking, custom clothing, and much more. My journey into the world of sewing started at the tender age of 8, when my mother taught me the art of creating beautiful clothing for my dolls. I was always inspired by the handmade clothes my Barbie donned, which were lovingly crafted by a relative.

As I grew older, my love for sewing only deepened. In high school, I found myself frequenting thrift stores, altering, and customizing the clothes I found to make them uniquely mine. This passion for upcycling ignited a fire within me, as I became more aware of the ethical and environmental challenges that the world faces today. With the state of our planet, human rights, and our collective future at the forefront of my mind, I began to gravitate towards costume design as an escape and upcycling as a way to make a positive impact.”

Learn more about Heather and Mythrose.

The Nulla Project / Reusable To-Go

Nulla means Zero or Nothing in latin.

Did you know 50% of the garbage in major Canadian cities are single-use cups? And that Victorians are responsible – in 2021 – for an average of 25,000 discarded single-use cups per day?

Nulla is a reusable service with coffee cups and containers in Victoria, providing people with a green and convenient option when they order to-go drinks or food.  Learn more about the Nulla Project.

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