Our Vision
A thriving, equitable, and resilient West Shore community of climate-conscious people where sustainable behaviours are part of our mainstream way of life.
Our Mission
We’re on a mission to host public conversations, gatherings, and events which connect people with each other and some of the simple changes we can make to build a more caring and sustainable future for the citizens of Colwood, Highlands, Langford, Metchosin, and View Royal, British Columbia.

Message ReImagine About the AGM
ReImagine's Very First AGM!
ReImagine West Shore’s first Annual General Meeting is coming up. If you are interested in getting involved as a member, please visit our Join Us! page for more info. Members in good standing will receive a Zoom link to attend the meeting. If you have any questions, please send us a message.
About Our Leadership Team
Our seasoned leadership team is comprised of positive change-makers who care deeply about the West Shore. We are proven leaders who understand the value of community collaboration and have the know how to deliver engaging events and special initiatives in support of grassroots climate action.

Cindy is a communications professional and a dynamic community leader with experience in business, government, education, and the cultural industries, including the development of outreach and engagement strategies, tactics, and tools to help people manage change.
Her local community non-profit work includes the leadership of Climate Action West Shore (CRD EcoStar Award winner) while a director with the WestShore Chamber of Commerce.

Gwen ran the Royal Bay Bakery, a successful and award-winning family food enterprise in Colwood, for over 20 years, and has served as a director on multiple non-profit boards.
A significant edible landscape in Gwen’s Garden provides an organic source of ingredients she transforms into healthy products she loves to share. Gwen cultivates authentic connections striving to build an inclusive community culture that leaves no one behind.

Shannon Carman VP & SECRETARY
Shannon has a background in communications, as well as experience in administration (Metchosin Farm, Ragnarock Studios, Coast Collective) grant writing, bookkeeping, and social media.
She has served on various executives including as PAC President of Hans Helgesen Elementary and as the Chair of the Healthy Communities Advisory Select Committee for Metchosin Council. Shannon grew up on the West Shore and is now raising her two young daughters here.
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