If you’re done with the Kentucky bluegrass and ready to make a welcoming space for BC pollinators and birds, ReImagine West Shore member and retired ecological restoration professional, Judy Nault might be able to help!
Plenty of people are interested in becoming better stewards of the environment, and that can include actions like creating beneficial habitat in your own yard, or ‘Naturescaping’. There’s lots you can do to invite more nature into your life, and it’s fun to chat with other nature-lovers, too!
Join Judy for this free introductory workshop at historic Pendray House at beautiful Esquimalt Lagoon Migratory Bird Sanctuary and learn about what you can do to support pollinators and other wildlife in your own backyard!
Pre-registration is required.
Thank you to the Arts & Culture Colwood Society for making this special location at the Esquimalt Lagoon Migratory Bird Sanctuary available for our workshop.
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