Be a part of the West Shore’s 2nd Annual Seedy Saturday!

Victory Garden Edition … Because we CAN and SHOULD grow more delicious and nutritious food here at home!

Saturday, March 8, 2025
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Belmont Secondary School,
3041 Langford Lake Road, Langford, BC
Exhibitor Fee:  $35

A community collaboration with Flourish! School Food Society

West Shore Seedy Saturday organizers are eager to again work together with farmers, seed vendors, gardeners, and community groups to co-create a Seedy Saturday event, which reflects the vibe of a rapidly growing area, teeming with young families and active seniors looking to save money and do their part to shift to more sustainable ways.

In this second annual offering, we’re adding more space for exhibitors and will have a separate space for speakers throughout the day. 

We’re also excited to be hosting a special pre-event in cooperation with the City of Colwood.  See our Events Page to sign-up for the free screening of the urban agriculture doc, In My Backyard, on February 19.

What to expect

We are again expecting to see a mixed audience of largely newbie or novice growers together with some Seedy Saturday veterans, and since we had such wonderful feedback on the location last year, we’ve secured the Learning Commons at Belmont Secondary School again as our venue!

The location is accessible with plenty of parking and within easy walking distance for many residents, and the event space is beautiful and modern with a large amount of natural light. It will be a terrific space for people to browse seed selections, chat with knowledgeable folks, and ask lots of questions.

We have a limited amount of covered outdoor exhibit spaces for plant starts and such, so if you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, we encourage you to complete the Exhibitor Application Form as soon as possible.

Last year, we helped Belmont Secondary School with building their own Seed Library, and we are looking forward to working with students and teachers to grow this relationship in 2025!  Belmont is already working with Matthew Kemshaw and the Flourish! School Food Society, our Seedy Saturday event partners. 

If you are interested in exhibiting or vending, please read the following Exhibitor Information, and complete the application form below. This event seeks to support local seed exchange and small-scale local seed growers; therefore, we ask that all exhibitors adhere to the conditions outlined below.

Exhibitor Information


Exhibitor Set-up: 9:00 to 10:45 a.m.
Open to the Public: 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Exhibitor Tear-down: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

  • A vendor may only sell seed or plants grown on their own farm or from other farms for which they are the sole reseller, unless otherwise approved by ReImagine West Shore’s Seedy Saturday Organizing Team. Any seed variety exempted by the committee from this provision must have its origin clearly labelled.
  • Exhibitors are encouraged to identify seed which is organically grown or Certified Organic.
  • Sale or promotion in any way of genetically engineered seeds or plants is PROHIBITED.
  • Packaging and re-sale of bulk seed from commercial catalogues is NOT PERMITTED.
  • Food and beverage sales for this event will be limited to those provided by the Flourish! School Food Society, which will be raising funds to support their work with district schools.
  • Exhibitors must use the table/exhibition location assigned by ReImagine West Shore and complete their set-up by 11:00 a.m. Exhibitors should not clear tables until 3:00 p.m.
  • Indoor Exhibitor Fees include a 10’x10’ display space and the use of two 6’ tables and two chairs. These exhibitors have the option of supplying their own table and chairs, and may provide other display infrastructure, space permitting. A limited number of outdoor spaces are available.
  • Outdoor Exhibitor Fees include a 10’x10′ display space where plant starts and root stock may be displayed and sold along with other items. The school’s tables and chairs are not able to be used outdoors, so outdoor exhibitors will be required to provide their own tables/chairs. Pop-up structures are permitted, but will need to use either sand or water to secure the tents against the weather as staking in the adjacent grass is not permitted due to the school’s irrigation system.
  • This is our second Seedy Saturday event at Belmont Secondary School. We would like to continue the legacy of eco-literacy we started last year, and would appreciate exhibitors continuing to help us build Belmont’s Seed Library. Please consider contributing Certified Organic seeds to the school when you attend the event. Thank you! 🌱

This year, we are asking Exhibitors for a table fee of $35 to help offset event production and promotion costs as we continue to work in support of community food security on the West Shore. Thank you for your support.

Event Details


Exhibitor Set-up: 9:00 to 10:45 a.m.
Open to the Public: 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Exhibitor Tear-down: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Seedy Saturday Exhibitor Question

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West Shore Seedy Saturday 2025 EXHIBITOR APPLICATION

To apply, please complete the form below, then click on the button to make your online payment.  If you would prefer to send an e-transfer or wish to discuss cash payment on event day, please contact us at

Exhibitor Application Form

Are you interested in securing outdoor exhibit space?

Does your exhibit require electricity?

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